Design customisation of the subscription journey

This article is intended for the following people:

Insurance / Banks Brokers / Distributors Sellers

For more information on roles on Plug, please see this article.

Our Plug platform allows the customization of a subscription path so that it can match with different graphic charts. 

How to customise a journey

Logging into the Plug platform
Click on Products in the side menu.
On the product of your choice, click on Actions then Parameters

What are the different customisation tools

The primary and secondary colours

It is possible to change the primary and secondary colours of your platform simply from the section Colours of the Parameters page. The desired colours must be in a hexadecimal format, i.e. in the following format: #XXXXXX. It is also possible to choose the colour by clicking on the "Paint Palette" icon on the colour input field. A pop-up with a colour picker will appear to allow you to easily set the colour of your choice. 

Changing logos

It is possible from the page  Parameters to change the logo that appears on the subscription path as well as the logo that appears in the emails sent to users of the subscription path. It is not possible to host the logos from the Plug platform. Therefore, the image will have to be hosted upstream and a URL will have to be specified in the input field for Plug to retrieve the image;

Beware of the image URL

The image URL must be in " https://". It is also advisable to avoid images in SVG format for email logos as there is a chance that these will not display in emails on Gmail.

Customising the progress bar of the subscription path

The progress bar is the bar shown in the header of a subscription path to show the user where they are in the path. There are 2 types of progress bar on Plug: a % bar and a numbered bar. The Customise Steps section on the Parameters page allows you to change the appearance of the progress bar.

Example of a shelf %.
Example of a numbered shelf

Changing the appearance of input fields

There are 3 types of appearance for the different input fields in a subscription path: 

  • Linear
  • Linear with background
  • With border

From the page  Parameters, it is possible to choose between these 3 proposals to change the appearance of the input fields. 

Set up your own CSS 

In order to completely change the look of your subscription path, it is possible to put your own CSS file in the subscription path. To do this, simply host the CSS file on a server and put its URL in the input field of the section Custom CSS and then press the Save.  icon.

Beware the image URL

The URL of the link must be in " https://".

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